
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hell and Back in Caro style..

Two years ago, when I left Taiwan and told everyone I would come back, I never thought I actually would.. It's a thing you often say, leaving a holiday destination, an Erasmus location..but do you eventually go back? 

Taiwan, two years ago, was the first time I was away from home for a longer period of time, 1 month and 8 weeks to be precise. While it seems long enough to explore the entire island, slightly bigger than Belgium .. It's not. During the week, I taught English on irregular hours and days and the weekends were easily filled with day trips and exploring the city, Taipei. 

I did went on a 3-day school trip where everything was tightly scheduled. For Taiwanese and Chinese people, exactly how it should be. Besides that, I organised  one weekend trip together with Evy, my dear college friend who was studying - figuratively speaking - next to me in Xiamen, China. Together we explored the coastline and the Taroko gorge in Hualien. 

Conclusion: There was more that I wanted to explore and with a maximum of two weeks I was allowed to take off at once, it just seemed the perfect decision. You could say that there is always more to see, which is true and you could think I am silly to spend my money on this long flight to the same location while I had many other choices like Thailand or Malaysia. I think I just love Taiwan :) let's leave it to that. 

I booked my flights sometime in May. The dates were decided: 19 September to 6 October. It wasn't until one month before my departure that I seriously started planning the trip with some help from my host family from two years ago.  

The last week before departure was the busiest, at work as well as after. Toughest challenge: backpack packing.

Friday the 19th was there, I worked that day until 1pm, picked up my backpack at home and took a cab to the airport. The holidays began but I did not feel it yet..

I would only feel relaxed once I got on the plane to Taipei. I only had 55 minutes of overlay time but when I checked in my backpack, the check-in agent was confident in a smooth flight and luggage transfer in Amsterdam. 

When I arrived at the gate for my flight to Amsterdam, I noticed the delay on the screen of 25 minutes. This was the moment I got really stressed! How could it be possible to take out my backpack from one plane and get it on the next one in 30 minutes?? Next worrying fact, the flight to Taipei was not delayed... 

We landed in Amsterdam at 7.55pm and the flight to Taipei took off at 8.40pm. When the plane was finding its way to the right gate, I saw us passing by the gate I needed to be for my next flight and it. was. far, almost too far for this overlay time + delay. I got off the plane at 8.20pm, actually the gate closing time for my next flight but something just triggered me to run as fast as I could and try to get that flight! What did I had to lose? I could at least give it a try! During the run, I was thinking about the hell and back challenge that I missed. Well, let's say I saw Satan as well that day! People were looking at me because 1. the wheels of my hand luggage made a lot of noise on the fast tracks, 2. I was screaming desperately, 'excuse me' for maybe more that 50 times, 3. I was the only one running!? After a few minutes I arrived at the check-in. I saw a few still going through security so there was hope! Entirely out of breath, I asked the young security guy 'Is this the flight to Taipei?' 'No it's not! Naa just kiddin! Haha' 'SERIOUSLY?' 

My ticket was not valid anymore because they never thought I would be able to make it to the gate on time. They gave my seat away already. But since I was there, they tried to get me on the flight and there were two seats left so they gave me another one. Thank god! Unfortunately, my backpack wasn't as fast of a runner as me. It needed to come with a next flight. Not the ideal outcome but given the current circumstances, I think I did pretty well to get on that flight! At least I was going to be in Taipei on time. 

Sitting in the plane, I was finally starting to get my breathing under control. My hands stopped shaking and I looked at my wrist. I saw I was wearing the bracelet I bought two years ago outside a Buddhist temple in the Taipei mountains...I did not know which one to thank but I figured, I couldn't do much wrong by just saying 'thank god!'.


Real time is overrated.

Hi there! 

Totally taiwanated is back! I will write about my 16-day tour in Taiwan during and after my trip. Nothing will be written in real time because of the lack of time.

So real stories, real emotions, the good and the bad, just a bit delayed. 

The essence will be put in writing..
