
Monday, October 15, 2012

I dreamed a dream?

I cannot say that I am missing my family because I have no time to feel such feelings, but I can tell you one thing.. being so far away from home makes you dream a lot of strange things ABOUT them! I tried to remember... to be able to tell you now.

The following took place between 1 am and 7 am (Taipei time) in Wonderland. The events took place over several nights:

  • My mother was pragnant and she loved it. I could not understand because when you have a daughter like me, why would she want to have yet another child!!?? ^^ 

My mother is 55 years old, so I guess she will never be pragnant again :)...

  • My dad painted his car white!

If there is one thing my dad does not care about, it's appearance! So this too would never happen in real life!

  • My brother Sebastian was being sentimental about me going away and he was hugging me goodbye.....
If there is one feeling my brother can never relate to then it would be a sentimental feeling. He never feels sad nor shows any kind of affection. So I was about 200% sure that I was dreaming that!

  • And last but not least, this is totally messed up! It turned out that my dad, who is Polish, was not my dad! I found out that my dad was a Greek. I was soo mad with my mother that she had hidden the truth for me for so long...
To be totally honest, I do not really know what is true about that ;). But I hope it is not! One dad is enough, certainly one like mine! Haha.

So I guess my mind is trying to tell me at night that I miss my family in a certain way. But since my mind is full with other thoughts during the day, the feelings creep up on me at night, through my dreams. And my dreams, I cannot control...

Ps: Someone just offered me a dried prune with soy sauce on it...or some other oil.. :/ EW not gooood!


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