
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Is there never a right time to say goodbye?

Jetlag + qwerty = not the ideal situation to write but here I am!

So where did we left off? Right, my goodbye party. Ooow I liked it! I liked it like a facebook-like times 10! I had a wonderful time and I hope the invited ones felt the same way. I went home with a great but pretty wasted feeling. Around 4.30 o'clock I lay in my bed with only one thought 'I love my friends and that is why I am going to miss them so much..'

But I guess that knowing that there are people caring about you and vise versa is the reason why leaving is such a wonderful experience. If you do not have a home to come back too, than what does leaving means? I define 'home' not literally as the place where your house is situated but the place where you are surrounded by the people that you love and love you back. How meaningful and challenging is leaving when there is no home to come back to? I am lucky to be able to miss home and be missed by the ones that are part of it.

I woke up with a huge headache –‘one from here to Taiwan I would say in Dutch’ ;) – realizing that I still had to finish packing my bags with only one kg left to reach the weight limit. I could not think straight so I just filled my bags with the things I really needed (probably not) and hoped that they would have mercy at the airport! Eventually, I left with a bag of 26 kg (3kg overweight) and a handbag of 10 kg (2kg overweight)..Talking about taking a risk and winning the battle against weight!

 I said goodbye to my mother and cried off course, typically me! And then, after the crying and sniveling, Stephanie, my best friend from the hood, came to the airport to say a last goodbye <3! Finally, there I was, walking through security, looking one more time over my shoulder and waving my hand to my mother and best friend. My journey began, on my own.

 Chris Brown sings that there is never a right time to say goodbye but I do not agree. At my goodbye party everybody was surprised that I already left the day after but admit…How awkward is it to have your party two weeks before you leave and to still see your friends after you already said goodbye??? So Chriske, I do not agree and I know you are not singing about travelling but seriously dude! When you feel like braking up and saying goodbye? Just be a man and say it ASAP. ASAP IS THE RIGHT TIME, trust me...
Upcoming: a picture of my last Belgian meal and a third person that was there with me at the airport + the fly story and the weekend at Lilly's family.
Goodbye everybody! X


Anonymous said...

Have fun! We miss you already! -baradouz

Anonymous said...

Bring me some gebakken raaist !


Linda De Prins said...

Hallo Caro'tje,

Je bent nog niet veel uit mijn gedachten geweest hoor ! Hoe is het daar ? Amuzeer je maar hé ! Vandaag zijn we paddestoelen gaan plukken met Spyke, Pa Solomon en Moeke. Er waren er weinig, wij waren duidelijk te vroeg :) Allee groetjes van ons allen ook van Spike en Belli, Cedes en Koelka. xxx