
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Welcome to Frankfurt ---> to HongKong ---> to Taipei!!




Jah! Die foto draait zich terug e, deze keer ben IK het NI!

So there I was alone, so alone at Brussels airport, wondering around and then SUDDENLY I noticed a familiar face................................Laana ow beautiful Laana :) Hihi, so sweet that you were there for me!

So after taking a boring flight with boring people and no window next to me, I arrived in Frankfurt. How to entertain yourself for two hours in Frankfurt?

1. Standing in the way of little children to look at this cool stuff!

2. Staring at hot businessmen, M-M-M!
3. ...

That was actually all I had to do because I had a non-trolley handbag! NEVER AGAIN, it was soooo heavy! After a while, it was time to take my first long haul flight that took 10 hours...downwind. I was not afraid, I was just hoping that I had no stinky tofu next to me! (Stinky tofu will be explained later) I was lucky! I was sitting next to the aisle, in the back of the plane but not too far in the back (toilet alert!), I had a personal TV witch chakka makka movies, 'the lucky one' and also a few good ones. Next to me sat a nice Taiwanese mother and her little Taiwanese girl of three. My god, she was SO sweet and brave! I almost crushed her little little finger with that nasty tablet in front of me but she still loved me and smiled at me so I was happy :). After a few movies and in the end a nice talk with the Taiwanese lady, we landed effortless. 

So the lady was Taiwanese but her husband was Italian and she was not going to Taipei (Hm no free guide for me :/) but Hong Kong was her end destination. She actually lives in Hong Kong because her husband works there and she came from her holiday in Italy. But there was more, an unexpected event forced her to stay the night in Frankfurt because she was half an hour late for her flight to Hong Kong. That explained the fact that her other daughter was sitting 15 rows in front of us with her nanny and THAT explained the nodding and waving to the woman every time she came down the aisle to bring the toddler to the restroom! 

Everything fell into place and I was happy with the most interesting - and the only - story I had in 14 hours...

Also, I thought that the bigger the plane the bumpier the landing but it was the opposite! There was more turbulence, but I always think 'Dying in an airplane must be a pretty exciting thing and then I eventually can pull that cord on the life jacket!!!!' 

Almost there, almost there.. that was the only thing that went through my head when I was in Hong Kong, I was so tired that I wanted to sleep everywhere where I sat down! I was walked from gate 76 to gate 1 (seriously??) to take my final flight, when suddenly they changed the gate for Taipei 604 (I will NEVER forget the flight number) to 68......Oh I wanted to kill those Chinese sneaky bastards! WAIT not finished yet,   I arrived at gate 68 to be informed that there was a technical problem and that we had to wait for 2 hours before boarding.. :'/  ............the crushed little finger...Karma's a bitch!

After 4 more hours, hi Taipei, where you expecting me? I was smiling and nobody or nothing could take that smile from my face.


             .Xie Xie (Thank you).


Anonymous said...

He he, nice story ! But there is more to come ! I'm so proud of you. Kiss xxx

Linda De Prins said...

Sorry this was me, mamycool !!! xxx